Audio CD-lintuaänitteet

Etusivu > Äänitteet ja videot > Audio CD-lintuaänitteet

Birds of Mexico MP3 (6 h ja yli 650 lajia); Boesman
-MP3 äänite Meksikon linnuista

-soittoaika yli 6 h
-yli 650 lajia... 
65,00 €
Birds of Venezuela MP3 (8 h ja yli 950 lajia); Boesman
-MP3 äänite Venezuelan linnuista

-soittoaika 8 h
-yli 950 lajia... 
65,00 €
Voices of the Costa Rican Birds, Caribbean Slope
This 2CD set features vocalisations of over 220 species found in the lowland to middle elevations of Costa Rica, including several which are the only known recordings in... 
26,00 €
Petrels night and day; Robb, M., Mullarney, K. 2008
-Robb, M., Mullarney, K. & Sound Approach 2008: Petrels night and day; A Sound Approach Guide
- kirja ja... 
45,00 €
Jurassic Soundscapes (stereo)
The publication of the natural sounds of Jurassic dinosaurs in the quite serious collection of biological recordings published... 
20,00 €
Rutting Red Deers audio CD
1 From the Cle Des Fosses to the Fond du Verne 8:53
2 At Guiny in mist 5:45
3 The large clearings... 
20,00 €
Songs from the Deep (stereo)
1. L'Orque / Killer Whale 7:12 2. L'Orque / Killer Whale 5:14 3. Le Beluga / Beluga Whale 4:31 4. Le Narval / Narwhal Whale 9:05 5. La Baleine A Bosse Ou Megaptere / Humpback... 
20,00 €
Wailing Wolves (mono)
20,00 €
Water Story (stereo)
20,00 €
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